Cure for Hiccough

January 26th, 2021

A good cure for hiccough is slippery elm-bark boiled and made sweet with sugar.

Source: The New Galt Cook Book, M. Taylor & F. McNaught

To Stop Hiccoughs

December 3rd, 2019

A few drops of glycerine in cold water, or a spoonful of brown sugar taken dry.

Source: Household Gas Cookery Book, Helen Edden


October 22nd, 2019

An attack may often be stopped by holding the breath for half a minute or so and then breathing very slowly, or by a draught of cold water.

Source: The Complete Household Adviser


December 17th, 2017

Generally caused by indigestion.

Nine to fifteen swallows of water without taking a breath, or one or two soda-mint tablets, will generally give relief. If persistent, cause vomiting by tickling throat with fingers, or by swallowing a cup of warm water in which 1/2 tsp. mustard is dissolved.

Source: The Mary Frances First Aid Book, Jane Eayre Fryer

Cure for Hiccoughs

September 22nd, 2017

Lump of sugar saturated with vinegar will usually cure hiccoughs in a child. Drink of water often brings immediate relief. In prolonged cases of hiccoughing, weak, hot coffee with cream and sugar given at frequent intervals has cured the patient.

Source: Civic League Cook Book

Cure for Hiccough

December 2nd, 2016

Sit erect and inflate the lungs fully. Then, retaining the breath, bend forward slowly until the chest meets the knees. After slowly arising again to the erect position, slowly exhale the breath. Repeat this process a second time, and the nerves will be found to have received an access of energy that will enable them to perform their natural functions.

Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette

Hiccough, Sugar Will Relieve Patient of

March 11th, 2008

“Place a little dry sugar on the end of the tongue and hold the breath. I have tried this remedy after others have failed and obtained instant relief.”

Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter

Hiccough, Home Remedy to Stop

March 6th, 2008

“Take nine swallows of cold water while holding the breath.”

Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter

Hiccough, Simple Remedy for

March 2nd, 2008

“Have patient hold both ears closed with the fingers, then give them three swallows cold water while they hold their breath.”

Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter

Hiccough. Vinegar Stops

February 27th, 2008

“One teaspoonful of vinegar thickened with sugar and eaten slowly.”

Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter

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    NOTE: these remedies are listed only for information and/or amusement. They are not to be construed as medical advice of any type, nor are they recommended for use. Consult your doctor or other medical professional for any medical advice you require.