To Relieve Asthma
Soak blotting or tissue paper in strong saltpetre water. Dry, and burn at night in your bed-room.
Source: Common Sense in the Household, Marion Harland
Relief from Asthma
Sufferers from asthma should get a muskrat skin and wear it over their lungs with the fur side next to the body. It will bring certain relief.
Or soak blotting paper in saltpetre water, then dry, burning at night in the patient’s bedroom.
Another excellent recipe: Take powdered liquorice root, powdered elecampane root, powdered anise-seed, each one drachm, powdered ipecac ten grains, powdered lobelia ten grains; add sufficient amount of tar to form into pills of ordinary size. Take three or four pills on going to bed. An excellent remedy for asthma or shortness of breath.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: anise, aniseed, asthma, blotting paper, breath, breathing, elecampane, ipecac, licorice, liquorice, lobelia, lungs, muskrat, saltpetre, tar, whitehouse | Comment (0)For Asthma
For asthma soak blotting paper in strong saltpeter water; dry, and burn at night.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts
Nosebleed; remedy sent us by a Public School Teacher
“Make a compress of paper soaked in cold water; put it under the upper lip and have the patient press the lip with the fingers. Remarks.– Tried with success in many cases by a school teacher.” By putting under the lip and pressing on it, you press on an artery and stop bleeding. Be careful to use nothing but white paper, as ink or colors would come out when wet.
Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter
Techniques: Filtering
Filtering is frequently required for the purpose of obtaining clear fluids, such as infusions, eye-washes, and other medicines; and it is, therefore, highly important to know how to perform this simple operation. First of all take a square piece of white blotting paper, and double it over so as to form an angular cup. Open out this filter paper very carefully, and having placed it in a funnel, moisten it with a little water. Then place the funnel in the neck of the bottle, and pour the liquid gently down the side of the paper, otherwise the fluid is apt to burst the paper.
Source: Enquire Within Upon Everything.