Furniture Polish

April 9th, 2017

Mix two tablespoonfuls of sweet or linseed oil with a tablespoonful of turpentine, and rub on with a piece of flannel, polishing with a dry piece.

Source: The Easiest Way in Housekeeping and Cooking, H. Campbell

Onion Skins as a Dye

April 7th, 2017

If you wish for a bright yellow, save your onion skins. They will color white cloth a very bright yellow. This is a good color for braided rugs, such as people used to make.

Source: Things Mother Used To Make, L.M. Gurney

To Keep Eggs

April 5th, 2017

Be sure that the eggs are fresh. Place them points down in a stone jar or tight firkin, and pour over them the following brine, which is enough for a hundred and fifty:—

One pint of slacked lime, one pint of salt, two ounces of cream of tartar, and four gallons of water. Boil all together for ten minutes; skim, and, when cold, pour it over the eggs. They can also be kept in salt tightly packed, but not as well.

Source: The Easiest Way in Housekeeping and Cooking, H. Campbell

To Prevent Mold on Top of Glasses of Jelly

April 3rd, 2017

Melt paraffine and pour over the jelly after it is cold. No brandy, paper, or other covering is necessary.

Source: Things Mother Used To Make, L.M. Gurney

To prevent Moths

April 1st, 2017

In the month of April beat your fur garments well with a small cane or elastic stick, then lap them up in linen without pressing the fur too hard, and put between the folds some camphor in small lumps; then put your furs in this state in boxes well closed.

When the furs are wanted for use, beat them well as before, and expose them for twenty-four hours to the air, which will take away the smell of the camphor.

If the fur has long hair, as bear or fox, add to the camphor an equal quantity of black pepper in powder.

Source: The Cook’s Oracle and Housekeeper’s Manual, W.M. Kitchener

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    NOTE: these remedies are listed only for information and/or amusement. They are not to be construed as medical advice of any type, nor are they recommended for use. Consult your doctor or other medical professional for any medical advice you require.