Perspiration, To Remedy Profuse
Take nutritious and a rather generous diet, with a tonic of citrate of iron and quinine. Locally the skin should be washed with juniper tar soap and sponged from time to time with a lotion containing one part liquid ammonia and three parts water.
A foreign physician has found the following a cure in many cases : — Take of powdered sage leaves a large teaspoonful, boil them gently for five minutes in six ounces of water, strain, sweeten to taste, and take a third part three times daily.
The following is also recommended : — To a wineglassful of water add two drams of compound spirits of camphor and forty drops of diluted sulphuric acid. Dose: One tablespoonful twice a day.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: ammonia, camhor, citrate of iron, excessive sweating, iron, juniper, juniper tar soap, million, perspiration, profuse, quinine, sage, spirits of camphor, sulphuric acid, sweat, sweating | Comment (0)Leave a Reply