Apply kerosene freely on the outside of the neck. Also apply it inside with a small syringe, or a swab made by tying a soft bit of cloth on the end of a stick. A piece of smoked bacon tied on the neck when retiring for the night is a good remedy when applied in time.
Source: The Inglenook Cook Book
Sore Throat
Slice a thin piece of old smoked bacon, the older the better. Stitch this to a piece of flannel and make it black with pepper. Warm it and fasten closely around the throat. Do not remove until the inflammation has been drawn to the outside. When the meat is taken off anoint the throat with a good vaseline and bind up in flannel which must be left on until the throat is entirely well.
Source: The Inglenook Cook Book
When A Nail Is Run Into The Foot
When a nail is run into the foot apply grated beet; keep the foot still, and elevated. Or, bathe in a strong tea of wormwood and then bind slices of fat bacon upon the wound.
Source: Mrs Hill’s New Cook-Book
Sore Throat
Everybody has a cure for this trouble, but simple remedies appear to be most effectual. Salt and water is used by many as a gargle, but a little alum and honey dissolved in sage tea is better. An application of cloths wrung out of hot water and applied to the neck, changing as often as they begin to cool, has the most potency for removing inflammation of anything we ever tried. It should be kept up for a number of hours; during the evening is usually the most convenient time for applying this remedy.
Cut slices of salt pork or fat bacon, simmer a few minutes in hot vinegar, and apply to throat as hot as possible. When this is taken off as the throat is relieved, put around a bandage of soft flannel. A gargle of equal parts of borax and alum, dissolved in water, is also excellent. To be used frequently.
Camphorated oil is an excellent lotion for sore throat, sore chest, aching limbs, etc. For a gargle for sore throat, put a pinch of chlorate of potash in a glass of water. Gargle the throat with it
twice a day, or oftener, if necessary
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: ache, aching, alum, bacon, borax, camphorated oil, chest, chlorate, chlorate of potash, fat bacon, flannel, gargle, honey, limbs, pork, potash, sage, salt, salt pork, sore throat, throat, whitehouse | Comment (0)Remedy (external application) for Piles
Inner bark of the white oak tree, boil and strain, and boil again until you obtain 1/2 pint of the extract, very thick; then add 1/2 pint of the oil of the oldest and strongest bacon you can procure; simmer together until a union takes place when cold. Then apply by the finger up the rectum every night until well. Be very strict to abstain from strong and stimulating diet. The above is a sure cure for blind or bleeding piles, in all cases, sooner or later.
Source: Dr Chase’s Recipes, or Information for Everybody, A.W. Chase