To make a rare Medicine for the Chine-Cough
Make a Syrrop of Hysop-water and white Sugar Candy, then take the Powder of Gum Dragon, and as much of white Sugar Candy mixed together, and eat of it several times of the day, or take the above-named Syrrop, either of them will do the Cure.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
To Take Away the Signs of the Small Pox
Take some Spercma-ceti, and twice so much Virgins Wax, melt them together and spread it upon Kids Leather, in the shape of Mask, then lay it upon the Face, and keep it on night and day, it is a very fine Remedy.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
To make Bottle Ale for a Consumption
Take a quart of Ale, and a Pint of strong Aqua vitæ, Mace and Cinamon, of each one quarter of an Ounce, two Spoonfuls of the powder Elecampane root, one quarter of a pound of Loaf Sugar, one quarter of a pound of Raisins of the Sun stoned, four spoonfuls of Aniseeds beaten to Powder, then put all together into a Bottle and stop it close.
Take three spoonfuls of this in a morning fasting, and again one hour before Supper and shake the Bottle when you pour it out.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
Filed under Remedy | Tags: ale, aniseed, aqua vitae, beer, cinamon, cinnamon, consumption, elecampane, mace, raisins, sugar, wolley | Comment (0)To make Syrrop of Ale, good for weak People to take inwardly, or to heal old Sores, applied thereto
Take two Gallons of Ale Wort, the strongest you can get, so soon as it is run from the Grounds, set it on the fire in a Pipkin, and let it boil gently and that you do perceive it to be as though it were full of Rags; run it through a strainer, and set it on the fire again, and let it boil until it be thick, and scum it clean, and when it is much wasted, put it into a lesser Pan to boil, or else it will burn; when it is thick enough, take it off, and when it is cold, put it into Gallipots, take as much as a Walnut fasting; and as much when you go to bed.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
For a Consumption
Take of Syrrop of Violets, Syrrop of Horehound, Syrrop of Maidenhair and Conserve of Fox Lungs, of each one ounce, mix them well together, and take it often upon a Liquoras stick in the day time, and at night.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
An excellent Water for the Stomach, or against Infection
Take Carduus, Mint and Wormwood, of each a like quantity, shred them small and put them into new Milk, distil them in an ordinary Still with a temperate fire; when you take any of it, sweeten it with Sugar, or with any Syrrup, what pleases you best; it is a very good water, though the Ingredients are but mean.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
To get away the Signs of the Small Pox
Quench some Lime in white Rosewater, then shake it very well, and use it at your pleasure; when you at any time have washed with it, anoint your face with Pomatum, made with Spermaceti and oyl of sweet Almonds.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
The Snail water excellent for Consumptions
Take a Peck of Snails with the Shells on their Backs, have in a readiness a good fire of Charcoal well kindled, make a hole in the midst of the fire, and cast your Snails into the fire, renew your fire till the Snails are well rosted, then rub them with a clean Cloth, till you have rubbed off all the green which will come off.
Then bruise them in a Mortar, shells and all, then take Clary, Celandine, Burrage, Scabious, Bugloss, five leav’d Grass, and if you find your self hot, put in some Wood-Sorrel, of every one of these one handful, with five tops of Angelica.
These Herbs being all bruised in a Mortar, put them in a sweet earthen Pot with five quarts of white Wine, and two quarts of Ale, steep them all night; then put them into an Alembeck, let the herbs be in the bottom of the Pot, and the Snails upon the Herbs, and upon the Snails put a Pint of Earth-worms slit and clean washed in white Wine, and put upon them four ounces of Anniseeds or Fennel-seeds well bruised, and five great handfuls of Rosemary Flowers well picked, two or three Races of Turmerick thin sliced, Harts-horn and Ivory, of each four ounces, well steeped in a quart of white Wine till it be like a Jelly, then draw it forth with care.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
Filed under Remedy | Tags: ale, angelicam wine, aniseed, anniseed, borage, bugloss, burrage, celandine, charcoal, clary, consumption, earthworms, fennel, fennel seed, grass, hartshorn, ivory, rosemary, scabious, snail, snails, sorrel, turmeric, turmerick, wolley, wood sorrel, worms | Comment (0)For the Griping in the Guts
Take a peniworth of Brandy, and a peniworth of Mithridate mixed together, and drink it three nights together when you go to rest, or take a little Oil of Aniseeds in a Glass of Sack three times.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
To make Syrup of Turneps for a Consumption
Take half a peck of Turneps washed and pared clean, cut them thin, put to them one pound of Raisins of the Sun stoned, one quarter of a pound of Figs cut small, one Ounce of Anniseeds bruised, half an Ounce of Licoras sliced, one Ounce of Cloves bruised, two handfuls of Burrage Flowers, and so much water as will cover all, and two fingers breadth above them, then boil it on a great fire in an earthen Vessel covered, untill the roots be soft and tender, then strain out the Liquor, and to every Pint of it put a pound of fine Sugar, the whites of two Eggs beaten, boil it to a Syrrop, and use it often, two or three spoonfuls at a time.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley