An Excellent Disinfectant
Permanganate of potassa in solution is one of the most efficient disinfectants that can be used for removing all disagreeable odors, either in utensils, or in rooms.
Twenty-five grains can be dissolved in two quarts of water, and a tablespoonful of it, added to a saucer of water, will remove any filthy odor. As the water evaporates more can be added to it. For infectious diseases it is highly recommended, and should always be used in all cases of scarlet fever, diphtheria, or small-pox.
For disinfecting mouldy barrels it is unequaled. Two or three tablespoonfuls of the solution, added to a pint of water, will cleanse any cask, or barrel, if it is thoroughly washed in it and rinsed out well. –
Source: Household Hints and Recipes, Henry T. Williams
Filed under Remedy | Tags: barrels, diptheria, odor, permangate, potassa, potassium permanganate, room, scarlet fever, sickroom, smallpox, williams | Comment (0)To Take Away the Signs of the Small Pox
Take some Spercma-ceti, and twice so much Virgins Wax, melt them together and spread it upon Kids Leather, in the shape of Mask, then lay it upon the Face, and keep it on night and day, it is a very fine Remedy.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
To get away the Signs of the Small Pox
Quench some Lime in white Rosewater, then shake it very well, and use it at your pleasure; when you at any time have washed with it, anoint your face with Pomatum, made with Spermaceti and oyl of sweet Almonds.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
Onions as a Disinfectant
In case of small-pox, or any contagious disease, cut up an onion and put it in the sick-room, and replace it every hour with a fresh one.
Source: Mrs Owens’ Cook Book and Useful Household Hints, Frances Owens
The Plague-Water which was most esteemed of in the late great Visitation
Take three Pints of Muskadine, boil therein one handful of Sage, and one handful of Rue until a Pint be wasted, then strain it out, and set it over the Fire again.
Put thereto a Penniworth of Long Pepper, half an Ounce of Ginger, and a quarter of an Ounce of Nutmegs, all beaten together, boil them together a little while close covered, then put to it one penniworth of Mithridate, two penniworth of Venice Treacle, one quarter of a Pint of hot Angelica Water.
Take one Spoonful at a time, morning and evening always warm, if you be already diseased; if not, once a day is sufficient all the Plague time.
It is most excellent Medicine, and never faileth, if taken before the heart be utterly mortified with the Disease, it is also good for the Small Pox, Measles, or Surfets.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
Filed under Remedy | Tags: angelica, ginger, measles, mithridate, muscadine, muskadine, nutmeg, pepper, plague, rue, sage, smallpox, surfeit, surfets, treacle, venice treacle | Comment (0)Dr Butler’s Cordial water
Take Pimpernel, Carduus, Angelica, Scordium, Scabious, Dragon, and still these severally in a Rose-still; and when you have a pint of the water of every of these sorts of Herbs, then mingle all thse together very well, and dissolve in it half a pound of Venice Treacle, then still all these together, and mingle the stronger water with the small; six spoonfuls of this water, made blood warm, given to one sick of the Plague, driveth all venome from the heart. It is excellent so used, for the Small Pox, or for any pestilent Feaver.
Source: The Queens Cabinet Opened: Or, The Pearle of Practice. Accurate, Physical and Chirurgical Receipts, Nathaniel Brooke