Colic Mixture for Infants
Eighty drops of laudanum, fourteen of oil of anise, two tablespoonfuls of alcohol, and a piece of asafoetida as large as a pea; put these in an eight-ounce phial, and fill with warm water. Sweeten with loaf sugar. Dose from four to six drops to a child a few days old. Increase the dose as the child grows older.
Source: Mrs Hill’s New Cook-Book
Receipt for Paregoic
Powdered opium two drachms, gum camphor two scruples, oil of anise seed one fluid drachm, whisky one quart, add lastly three tablespoonfuls of honey. Place all in a bottle together, and for one week shake the mixture twice a day ; after standing awhile it will become very clear, then pour off into a small bottle what you wish to use from day to day, and set the other away.
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook