Cure for Toothache
To one tea-spoonful of kreosote[sic] put half a tea-spoonful of alcohol. Soak a bit of cotton well with this, and put it into the tooth. No harm will arise from the use of kreosote, if care is taken not to swallow the spittle. This has been tried by the author, and found a permanent cure.
Another: Mix alum and common salt in equal quantities, finely pulverized. Then wet some cotton, large enough to fill the cavity, which cover with salt and alum, and apply it.
Source: Valuable Receipts, J.M. Prescott
Filed under Remedy | Tags: alcohol, alum, common salt, cotton, cotton wool, creosote, gums, kreosote, mouth, prescott, salt, spit, spittle, teeth, tooth, toothache | Comment (0)Leave a Reply