An Excellent Disinfectant

October 20th, 2018

Permanganate of potassa in solution is one of the most efficient disinfectants that can be used for removing all disagreeable odors, either in utensils, or in rooms.

Twenty-five grains can be dissolved in two quarts of water, and a tablespoonful of it, added to a saucer of water, will remove any filthy odor. As the water evaporates more can be added to it. For infectious diseases it is highly recommended, and should always be used in all cases of scarlet fever, diphtheria, or small-pox.

For disinfecting mouldy barrels it is unequaled. Two or three tablespoonfuls of the solution, added to a pint of water, will cleanse any cask, or barrel, if it is thoroughly washed in it and rinsed out well. –

Source: Household Hints and Recipes, Henry T. Williams

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