Cure for a Black Eye
Bathe it with tepid water, and then apply a piece of lint saturated with the pure extract of lead. Keep the lint continually wet with the lotion for two or three hours.
Source: Recipes for the Million
A deep Burn or Scald
Apply black Varnish with a feather, ’till it is well.
Or inner rind of Elder well mixt with fresh butter. When this is bound on with a rag, plunge the part into cold water. This will suspend the pain, till the medicine heals.
Or mix Lime-Water and Sweet Oil, to the thickness of cream, apply it with a feather several times a day. — This is the most effectual application I ever met with.
Or put twenty-five drops of Goullard’s Extract of Lead, to half a pint of Rain Water; dip linen rags in it, and apply them to the part affected. This is particularly serviceable, if the burn is near the eyes.
Source: Primitive Physic: or an easy and natural method of curing most diseases, John Wesley.
Filed under Remedy | Tags: burn, butter, elder, extract of lead, lime water, linen, rain water, scald, sweet oil, varnish | Comment (0)