To make Syrup of Hysop for Colds

January 21st, 2008

Take a handful of Hysop, of Figs, Raisins, Dates, of each an ounce, of Collipint half a handful, French Barley one ounce; boil therein three pints of fair water to a quart, strain it and clarifie it with two whites of Eggs, then put in two pound of fine Sugar, and boil it to a syrup.

Source: A Queen’s Delight: Or, The Art of Preserving, Conserving and Candying, Nathaniel Brooke

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    NOTE: these remedies are listed only for information and/or amusement. They are not to be construed as medical advice of any type, nor are they recommended for use. Consult your doctor or other medical professional for any medical advice you require.