Wasps and Bees, Stings From
September 10th, 2021
Mix together a little spirits of hartshorn with double its quantity of olive oil, and apply to the part affected.
Another very simple remedy, which is asserted to be unfailing, is to rub with an onion the part of the flesh which is stung.
The application of either oil of tartar or a solution of potash will give instant ease.
Perhaps the most convenient thing will be to mix a little oil with common soda. This will allay both the pain and the irritation.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bee, bees, bite, common soda, harrtshorn, irritation, million, oil of tartar, olive oil, onion, pain, potash, skin, soda, spirits of hartshorn, sting, wasp, wasps | Comment (0)