Gargles for Sore Throat
December 22nd, 2015
No. 1. — One wineglassful of barm ; one wineglassful of vinegar ; remainder sage tea, to make a half-pint bottle of gargle.
No. 2. — A pinch of chlorate of potash in a glass of water. Gargle the throat with it twice a day, or oftener, if necessary.
No. 3. — Tar water is a very good gargle for sore throat ; it is to be used twice a day.
Source: The Unrivalled Cook-Book and Housekeeper’s Guide, Mrs Washington
Filed under Remedy | Tags: barm, chlorate of potash, gargle, potash, sage, sage tea, sore throat, tar water, throat, vinegar, washington | Comment (0)Leave a Reply