Wheat Gruel for Young Children with weak stomachs, or for Invalids
Tie half a pint of wheat flour in thick cotton, and boil it three or four hours; then dry the lump and grate it when you use it. Prepare a gruel of it by making a thin paste, and pouring it into boiling milk and water, and flavor with salt. This is good for teething children.
Source: Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book, Catherine Beecher
Egg for an Invalid
Put two tablespoonfuls of boiling water in a sauce pan on the stove; break a fresh egg into it; stir briskly until the egg is slightly set, but not at all stiff; season with salt, and a little pepper. Serve at once on a thin slice of buttered toast.
Source: Recipes Tried and True
Invalid’s Coffee
A nourishing drink for sick people is made as follows : Make a strong cup of coffee, add cream and a little more sugar than usual, and let it all come to a boil. Then pour it over a well-beaten egg in a cup in which it is to be served.
Source: 1001 Household Hints, Ottilie V. Ames
Beef Tea (For Invalids)
One-half pound tender beef (no fat), cut in bits; put in glass bottles, with top well screwed on (can add a little water), place in kettle of boiling water 20 minutes, take out, shake well; this quantity makes 1 cup of rich tea.
Source: Tested Recipe Cook Book, Mrs H.L. Wilson