Put one ounce of quassia chips into a cupful of water ; let it stand for twenty-four hours, and apply to the head, brushing it well into the roots.
Source: Recipes for the Million
To Destroy Flies
Boil the parings of potatoes in a little water for an hour, skim them out, and boil the water down to a few table-spoonfuls. Sweeten with molasses, and turn on to plates. It is a deadly poison. Another method is to boil quassia chips to a strong decoction, sweeten and proceed as above.
Source: Household Hints and Recipes, Henry T. Williams
Pin worms, Quassia chips for
“I knew of a child who had not slept three hours a night for several months, and several doctors had been called and none of them seemed to get down to the real trouble. Finally the mother tried an injection made by steeping quassia chips for two or three hours slowly, then straining it and injecting about one pint (luke warm) once a day. This gave the child immediate relief and improvement could be seen within a week.”
Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter
Techniques: Infusion
Infusion is one of the most frequent operations required in making up medicines, its object being to extract the aromatic and volatile principles of substances, that would be lost by decoction or digestion; and to extract the soluble from the insoluble parts of bodies. Infusions such as calumba and quassia may be made with cold water, in which case they are weaker, but more pleasant. The general method employed consists in slicing, bruising or rasping the ingredients first, then placing them in a common jug (which should be as globular as possible), and pouring boiling water over them. Cover the jug with a cloth folded six or eight times, but if there be a lid to the jug so much the better. When the infusion has stood the time directed, hold a piece of very coarse linen over the spout, and pour the liquid through it into another jug.
Source: Enquire Within Upon Everything.