Blackberry and Wine Cordial
It is recommended as a delightful beverage and an infallible specific for diarrhea or ordinary disease of the bowels:
Receipt.- To half a bushel of blackberries well mashed, add a quarter of a pound of allspice, two ounces of cinnamon, two ounces of cloves; pulverize well, mix, and boil slowly until properly done; then strain or squeeze the juice through homespun or flannel, and add to each pint of the juice one pound of loaf sugar; boil again for some time, take it off, and while cooling, add half a gallon of the best Cognac brandy.
Dose.– For an adult, half a gill to a gill; for a child, a teaspoonful or more, according to age.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts
Filed under Remedy | Tags: allspice, audel, blackberry, bowel, bowels, brandy, cinnamon, cloves, cognac, cordial, diarrhea, diarrhoea, flannel, loaf-sugar, sugar, wine | Comment (0)To Cure Watery and Inflamed Eyes
Foment frequently with decoction of poppy heads. When the irritation and inflammation occur, a teaspoonful of cognac brandy in four ounces of spring water may be used three or four times in the course of the day as a strengthening lotion.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Useful Information