A Cure for a Hard Dry Cough
Take of each one table-spoonful — spermaceti grated, honey, and peppermint water; mix all together with the yolks of two eggs in a gallipot. A tea-spoonful to be taken on the tongue, and allowed to be swallowed slowly as it dissolves.
Source: A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes, C.E. Francatelli
To Alleviate A Cough
Coughs may be much alleviated, and dry throats cured, by glycerine and lime-juice taken at night. The glycerine should be diluted.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts
Milk Soothes Sunburnt or Rough Skin
There is nothing that will more quickly soothe a sunburnt skin than a frequent bath of milk, and if the skin has become dry or rough with wind, washing in warm milk is excellent.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts