Milk of Roses
Take 1 ounce of Jordan almonds; 5 ounces of distilled rose-water; 1 ounce of spirit of wine; ½ a drachm of Venetian soap, and 2 drops of otto of roses. Beat the almonds (previously blanched and well dried with a cloth) in a mortar, until they become a complete paste, then beat the soap and mix with the almonds, and afterwards add the rose-water and spirit. Strain through a very fine muslin or linen, and add the otto of roses.
The common milk of roses sold in the shops, frequently contains salt of tartar, or pearlash, combined with olive oil and rose-water, and therefore it is better to make it yourself to ensure it being good.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
Filed under Remedy | Tags: almonds, hartley, milk, milk of roses, olive oil, pearlash, roses, rosewater, salt of tartar, soap, spirit of wine, venetian soap | Comment (0)Milk of Roses
Take 2 ounces of blanched almonds; 12 ounces of rose-water; white soft-soap, or Windsor soap; white wax; and oil of almonds, of each 2 drachms; rectified spirit, 3 ounces; oil of bergamot, 1 drachm; oil of lavender, 15 drops; otto of roses, 8 drops. Beat the almonds well, and then add the rose-water gradually so as to form an emulsion, mix the soap, white wax, and oil together, by placing them in a covered jar upon the edge of the fire-place, then rub this mixture in a mortar with the emulsion. Strain the whole through very fine muslin, and add the essential oils, previously mixed with the spirit.
This is an excellent wash for “sunburns,” freckles, or for cooling the face and neck, or any part of the skin to which it is applied.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
Filed under Remedy | Tags: almonds, bergamot, face, freckles, hartley, lavender, milk of roses, muslin, neck, oil of almonds, oil of bergamot, otto of roses, rectified spirit, rose water, roses, skin, soap, soft soap, sunburn, white wax, windsor soap | Comment (0)