Bloody Flux
Apply a suppository of linen dipt in Aqua Vitae.
Or, drink cold water, as largely as possible, taking nothing else till the flux stops.
Or, take a large apple, and at the top pick out all the core, and fill up the place with a piece of honey comb; (the honey being strained out,) roast the apple in embers, and eat it, and this will stop the flux immediately.
Or grated rhubarb, as much as lies on a shilling, with half as much of grated nutmeg, in a glass of white wine, at lying down, every other night. Tried.
Or take four drops of Laudanum, and apply to the belly a poultice of wormwood and red roses boiled in milk.
In a Dysentery, the worst of all fluxes, feed on rice, saloup, sago, and sometimes beef-tea; but no flesh.
To stop it, take a spoonful of suet melted over a slow fire. Do not let blood.
A person was cured in one day, by feeding on rice milk, and sitting a quarter of an hour in a shallow tub, having in it warm water three inches deep.
Source: Primitive Physic: or an easy and natural method of curing most diseases, John Wesley.
Filed under Remedy | Tags: apple, aqua vitae, beef tea, blood, cold water, diarrhea, diarrhoea, dysentery, flux, honey, honey comb, laudanum, linen, nutmeg, poultice, red roses, rhubarb, rice, rice milk, sago, saloup, suet, suppository, wesley, white wine, wormwood | Comment (0)