Laxity of the Bowels with Pain
Brandy, half a quartern; syrup of rhubarb, one ounce and a half; tincture of rhubarb, one ounce; essence of peppermint, three-quarters of an ounce; laudanum, a quarter of an ounce. Dose: A dessert-spoonful in a glass of warm water.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Usually caused by indigestion, impure water, etc. Home remedies are raw flour and water paste; a raw egg in a cup of hot tea; spiced syrup of rhubarb.
Give a dose of castor oil to clear the digestive tract of the irritating material. If there is much pain, keep abdomen warm with flannel and hot-water bag. If a small child, restrict diet to barley water and white of egg in water.
Give adults milk and other liquid foods. If persistent, see doctor.
Source: The Mary Frances First Aid Book, Jane Eayre Fryer
Filed under Remedy | Tags: abdomen, barley water, bowel, bowels, castor oil, diarrhea, diarrhoea, egg, egg white, flannel, flour, fryer, indigestion, milk, paste, rhubarb, syrup of rhubarb, tea | Comment (0)