Nose Bleed
Snuff powdered alum up the nose. This alum is also good for checking hemorrhage, sometimes caused by extracting teeth. Fill the cavity with the alum. Apply cold salt water to bleeding nose if you haven’t alum.
Source: Civic League Cook Book
To Stop The Flow Of Blood
For a slight cut there is nothing better to control the hemorrhage than common unglazed brown wrapping paper, such as is used by marketmen and grocers; a piece to be bound over the wound. A handful
of flour bound on the cut. Cobwebs and brown sugar, pressed on like lint. When the blood ceases to flow, apply arnica or laudanum.
When an artery is cut the red blood spurts out at each pulsation. Press the thumb firmly over the artery near the wound, and on the side toward the heart. Press hard enough to stop the bleeding, and wait till a physician comes. The wounded person is often able to do this himself, if he has the requisite knowledge.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: arnica, artery, bleed, bleeding, blood, brown paper, brown sugar, cobweb, cobwebs, cut, flour, haemorrhage, hemorrhage, laudanum, lint, paper, skin, sugar, whitehouse, wrapping paper | Comment (0)Bleeding at the Nose
Roll up a piece of paper and press it under the upper lip. In obstinate cases, blow a little gum arabic up the nostril through a quill, which will immediately stop the discharge; powdered alum, dissolved in water, is also good. Pressure by the finger over the small artery near the ala (wing) of the nose on the side where the blood is flowing, is said to arrest the hemorrhage immediately. Sometimes by wringing a cloth out of very hot water and laying it on the back of the neck, gives relief. Napkins wrung out of cold water must be laid across the forehead and nose, the hands dipped in cold water, and a bottle of hot water applied to the feet.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
In Cases of Serious Hemorrhage after Tooth-Extraction
The plugging of the cavity with wool soaked in turpentine is at once rapid and effectual.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts