Chop fine one-half pound of the best prunes and one-half pound of figs. Add one-half ounce of pure senna and enough molasses to make a thick paste. Simmer on the stove about twenty minutes. Take a piece of this paste about the size of a hickory nut. Repeat in four hours if necessary.
Source: The Inglenook Cook Book
A Mild Aperient (To Take In The Spring)
Put 1 oz. of senna into a jar, and pour 1 quart of boiling water over it; fill up the vessel, with prunes and figs; cover with paper, and set it in the oven, with household bread. Take every morning, one or two prunes, and a wine-glass of the liquor.– Or: dissolve 3 oz. of Spanish liquorice in one pint boiling water, add 1 oz. socotrine aloes in powder, and 1 pint brandy. Take 1 tea-spoonful in a wine-glassful of water, either in the morning, at night, or both.– Or: a large tea-spoonful of magnesia, a lump of sugar, a dessert-spoonful of lemon juice, in 1/2 pint of spring water.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Senna Prunes
24 prunes.
2 tablespoonfuls of senna leaves.
1 pint of boiling water.
Steep the senna in the water, where it will keep hot for two hours; then strain the water. Wash the stewpan, and put into it the senna water and the prunes, well washed. Cover, and place the stewpan on a part of the range where the contents will just simmer. Cook until the prunes have absorbed all the water; then put them in a jar, and use as required. This is a mild and pleasant remedy for constipation. The prunes are delicious, and will keep for months. They are convenient to take when travelling.
Source: Miss Parloa’s Young Housekeeper, Maria Parloa
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bowel, bowels, constipation, laxative, parloa, prunes, senna | Comment (0)Constipation, a Good Substitute for Pills and Drugs
“Two ounces each of figs, dates, raisins, and prunes (without pits), one-half ounce senna leaves. Grind through meat chopper, and mix thoroughly by kneading. Break off pieces (about a level teaspoonful) and form into tablets. Wrap each in a wax paper and keep in covered glass jars, in a cool place. Dose.– One at night to keep the bowels regular. Very pleasant to take.”
Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter
Constipation in Children, Prunes a Medicine for
“Abate heat and gently open the bowels by the use of prunes. These should be fed to children more often. This would often prevent sickness. A very useful way of administering prunes as a medicine is to simmer for one-half hour, a few in water enough to cover, with 1/2 oz. senna leaves; remove the prunes, allow to dry and let the child eat them when needed. This is very good.”
Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter
News: Home Remedies
“At a time when federal advisories on drug risks and side effects are common and health-care costs often high, you might be tempted to turn to home remedies to treat your children.
Sometimes parents can soothe children’s symptoms just by using something from the pantry — perhaps learned from their mother or grandma.
“Each culture has its own little set of remedies that they use; it’s just part of the upbringing,” said Dr. Lynn Smitherman, a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics.”
Full story: The Courier-Journal, March 6th 2008
Filed under News | Tags: bicarbonate, chicken, child, children, honey, News, prunes, salt, urine | Comment (0)