The primary action of rhubarb is that of a mild purgative, but it has also tonic and astringent properties, so that its secondary effects are to confine the bowels; hence it is well fitted for use in diarrhoea, but not in constipation, or any affection in which a continuous aperient action is necessary. It is not fitted for inflammatory or febrile cases, although it seldom acts as an irritant; its stimulating, combined with its aperient properties, render it valuable in dyspepsia. Generally speaking, it suits children and aged persons best. Where the bowels are sluggish, combined with ginger and a little extract of dandelion, it makes an excellent dinner pill. The ordinary dose of the powder is from 20 to 36 grains. Some persons have no objection to chew the root, and to such as have not, this is a very good way of taking it. There is an immense variety of medical compounds of which rhubarb forms an important ingredient. Mixed with an equal proportion of carbonate of soda it is an excellent remedy for the irritation of the bowels, common with children when teething. As a common aperient for the young, it is best given combined with magnesia. With both children and adults it has the property of communicating a deep tinge to the urine — this should be known, as the change of colour in the secretion of the kidneys may occasion alarm and misconception. Garden rhubarb when used as food has a slight aperient action upon the bowels In some cases this may be beneficial, but not in all; those who have a tendency to relaxed bowels should not take it. Generally speaking, it is a wholesome and cooling article of diet.
Source: Baldwin’s Herbal Guide To Health, G. Baldwin
For Dysentery and Diarrhoea
The following prescription from an eminent physician has proved valuable: Take of calcined magnesia two drachms, of aromatic spirits of ammonia two and a half drachms, of water half a pint, mix well together, and as a dose for a grown person, give a table-spoonful every half hour until relieved.
Some country nurses recommend dittany tea, or spice-wood berries boiled in new milk. A large poultice on the stomach and bowels, made of new milk, thickened with light bread, has given relief — keeping it warm.
Be careful to keep the patient’s feet warm, and to bathe the back and stomach with spirits. Where the dittany and spice-wood cannot be obtained, other aromatics, as cinnamon and cloves, are good substitutes.
Source: Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers, Elizabeth E. Lea
Filed under Remedy | Tags: ammonia, bowels, bread, cinnamon, cloves, cramps, diarrhoea, dittany, dysentery, lea, magnesia, milk, new milk, spice-wood, spirits of ammonia, stomach | Comment (0)Cholic
Young children are often afflicted with griping pains in the bowels; and if attended with costiveness, it will be necessary to give them very small doses of manna and rhubarb every half hour, till they produce the desired effect. When the stools are green, a few drams of magnesia, with one or two of rhubarb, according to the age of the patient, may be given with advantage; but the greatest benefit will be derived from clysters made of milk, oil and sugar, or a solution of white soap and water. A poultice of bread, milk and oil, may likewise be applied to the lower part of the belly, and frequently renewed with a little warm milk to give it a proper consistence. The cholic in adults arises from a variety of causes, not easily distinguished except by professional persons; and therefore it is absolutely necessary to abstain from all violent remedies, or it may be attended with fatal consequences. Nothing can be applied with safety but emollient clysters and fomentations, and to drink copiously of camomile tea, or any other diluting liquor, till the spasms be relieved, and the nature of the disease more clearly understood. Persons who are subject to the bilious cholic in particular, should abstain from acrid, watery and oily food, especially butter, fat meat, and hot liquors: and pursue a calm and temperate course of life.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
For Heartburn
10 grains carbonate of magnesia
5 grains flour of ginger
5 grains carbonate of soda
15 grains powdered liquorice
To be taken as a powder 2 or 3 times a day.
Source: The Northampton Cookery Book, M.A. Jeffery
Filed under Remedy | Tags: carbonate of magnesia, carbonate of soda, flour of ginger, ginger, heartburn, licorice, liquorice, magnesia, northampton, soda | Comment (0)Heartburn, Remedies For
Add two drams of carbonate of magnesia to a cupful of milk, and drink it whenever the rising is experienced.
Eating a raw turnip will also take away the smarting sensation.
The following effervescing drink is also good:— The juice of an orange, with loaf sugar to flavour, and, in proportion to the acidity of the orange, a little bicarbonate of soda. Mix the orange juice, sugar, and water together in a tumbler, then add the soda; stir, and drink while effervescing.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bicarbonate of soda, carbonate of magnesia, heartburn, loaf-sugar, magnesia, milk, million, orange, soda, sugar, turnip | Comment (0)Tonic for Ague and Low Nervous Fever
To one quart of water add two ounces of bruised lance-leaved Peruvian bark. Boil from ten to fifteen minutes and strain while hot. From one to three ounces to be taken whenever the shivering is felt. Rub the back with equal parts of rum and spirits of turpentine, and keep the bowels open with the following mixture : — Dried sulphate of magnesia, an ounce and a half ; sulphate of soda, six drams ; infusion of senna, fourteen ounces ; tincture of jalap, one ounce, and compound tincture of cardamoms, one ounce. Two tablespoonfuls to be taken every four hours until it operates.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Acidity of the Stomach
This unpleasant disorder gives rise to heart-burn, flushings of the face, and other unpleasant sensations. It is most readily cured by taking two teaspoonfuls of magnesia in a tumbler of milk or water, the former is better.
Source: Recipes for the Million
A Mild Aperient (To Take In The Spring)
Put 1 oz. of senna into a jar, and pour 1 quart of boiling water over it; fill up the vessel, with prunes and figs; cover with paper, and set it in the oven, with household bread. Take every morning, one or two prunes, and a wine-glass of the liquor.– Or: dissolve 3 oz. of Spanish liquorice in one pint boiling water, add 1 oz. socotrine aloes in powder, and 1 pint brandy. Take 1 tea-spoonful in a wine-glassful of water, either in the morning, at night, or both.– Or: a large tea-spoonful of magnesia, a lump of sugar, a dessert-spoonful of lemon juice, in 1/2 pint of spring water.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
A Cure for Dropsy
Six lemons, one pound of loaf sugar, one ounce of cream of tartar, one ounce of magnesia, two ounces of parsley seed. Slice the lemons thin, put them and the parsley seed into three quarts of water, boil down to one quart, strain and add the other things to them. Dose, a wine glass three times a day.
Source: The New Galt Cook Book, M. Taylor & F. McNaught
Cure for Sciatica
Two ounces tartaric acid, four ounces Epsom salts, two ounces citrate of magnesia, two ounces baking soda, two ounces cream tartar, six ounces icing sugar; One teaspoonful to a glass of water.
Source: The New Galt Cook Book, M. Taylor & F. McNaught