
January 29th, 2023

The primary action of rhubarb is that of a mild purgative, but it has also tonic and astringent properties, so that its secondary effects are to confine the bowels; hence it is well fitted for use in diarrhoea, but not in constipation, or any affection in which a continuous aperient action is necessary. It is not fitted for inflammatory or febrile cases, although it seldom acts as an irritant; its stimulating, combined with its aperient properties, render it valuable in dyspepsia. Generally speaking, it suits children and aged persons best. Where the bowels are sluggish, combined with ginger and a little extract of dandelion, it makes an excellent dinner pill. The ordinary dose of the powder is from 20 to 36 grains. Some persons have no objection to chew the root, and to such as have not, this is a very good way of taking it. There is an immense variety of medical compounds of which rhubarb forms an important ingredient. Mixed with an equal proportion of carbonate of soda it is an excellent remedy for the irritation of the bowels, common with children when teething. As a common aperient for the young, it is best given combined with magnesia. With both children and adults it has the property of communicating a deep tinge to the urine — this should be known, as the change of colour in the secretion of the kidneys may occasion alarm and misconception. Garden rhubarb when used as food has a slight aperient action upon the bowels In some cases this may be beneficial, but not in all; those who have a tendency to relaxed bowels should not take it. Generally speaking, it is a wholesome and cooling article of diet.

Source: Baldwin’s Herbal Guide To Health, G. Baldwin


August 8th, 2022

From whatever cause it may arise, frequent exercise in the open air, and abstinence from heating liquors, will be found very beneficial. To those who are afflicted with this complaint, it is particularly recommended that they should visit the customary retreat every morning at a stated hour, that nature may in this respect, by perseverance, acquire a habit of regularity. In obstinate cases, three drams of carbon may be taken two or three times a day, mixed with three ounces of lenitive electuary, and two drams of carbonate of soda, as circumstances may require. Half an ounce of Epsom salts, dissolved in a tumbler or two of cold water, and drank at intervals, will have a very salutary effect.

Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton


April 14th, 2022

Indigestion is a breeder of disease, but may be cured by mixing one drachm of powdered colomba root, one drachm of ground ginger, and half a drachm of carbonate of soda; this divide into twelve powders, and take one in a little milk three times a day; or, one ounce of colomba root to a pint of boiling water is a most excellent and cheap remedy for indigestion. Take a wineglassful three times a day. Tried with every satisfaction.

Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray

Nightmare, To Prevent

November 17th, 2021

Carbonate of soda, ten grains; compound tincture of cardamoms, three drams; sugar, one dram; peppermint water, one ounce. Mix, and repeat the dose several nights in succession.

Source: Recipes for the Million

For Heartburn

October 22nd, 2021

10 grains carbonate of magnesia
5 grains flour of ginger
5 grains carbonate of soda
15 grains powdered liquorice

To be taken as a powder 2 or 3 times a day.

Source: The Northampton Cookery Book, M.A. Jeffery

For Headache

March 1st, 2020

For sick headache induced by bilious derangement, steep five cents’ worth of senna and camomile flowers in a little water, to make a strong decoction and take. It has been tried successfully in various cases. A strong solution of carbonate of soda is also good for headache induced by biliousness; drink little at a time and often.

Source: Tried and True Recipes, F.D.P. Jermain

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    NOTE: these remedies are listed only for information and/or amusement. They are not to be construed as medical advice of any type, nor are they recommended for use. Consult your doctor or other medical professional for any medical advice you require.