Dysentery Specific
(Particularly for bloody dysentery in Adults and Children.)
Take one pound gum arabic, one ounce gum tragacanth, dissolved in two quarts of soft water, and strained. Then take one pound of cloves, half a pound of cinnamon, half a pound allspice, and boil in two quarts of soft water, and strain. Add it to the gums, and boil all together over a moderate fire, and stir into it two pounds of loaf sugar. Strain the whole again when you take it off, and when it is cool, add to it half a pint sweet tincture rhubarb, and a pint and a half of best brandy. Cork it tight in bottles, as the gums will sour, if exposed. If corked properly it will keep for years.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
Filed under Remedy | Tags: allspice, best brandy, blackie, cinnamon, cloves, diarrhea, diarrhoea, dysentery, gum arabic, gum-tragacanth, loaf-sugar, sugar, tincture rhubarb | Comment (0)Cure for Diarrhea
The following is said to be an excellent cure for the above distressing complaint: Laudanum, two ounces; spirits of camphor, two ounces; essence of peppermint, two ounces; Hoffman’s anodyne, two ounces; tincture of cayenne pepper, two drachms; tincture of ginger, one ounce. Mix all together. Dose, teaspoonful in a little water, or a half teaspoonful repeated in an hour afterward in a tablespoonful of brandy. This preparation, it is said, will check diarrhea in ten minutes, and abate other premonitory symptoms of cholera immediately. In cases of cholera, it has been used with great success to restore reaction by outward application.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
Usually caused by indigestion, impure water, etc. Home remedies are raw flour and water paste; a raw egg in a cup of hot tea; spiced syrup of rhubarb.
Give a dose of castor oil to clear the digestive tract of the irritating material. If there is much pain, keep abdomen warm with flannel and hot-water bag. If a small child, restrict diet to barley water and white of egg in water.
Give adults milk and other liquid foods. If persistent, see doctor.
Source: The Mary Frances First Aid Book, Jane Eayre Fryer
Filed under Remedy | Tags: abdomen, barley water, bowel, bowels, castor oil, diarrhea, diarrhoea, egg, egg white, flannel, flour, fryer, indigestion, milk, paste, rhubarb, syrup of rhubarb, tea | Comment (0)Summer Complaint or Diarrhoea
In early stages unless alarming symptoms appear, give the child or patient a generous dose of castor oil and keep patient on a light diet for a day or two or refrain from eating at all for twelve hours. If passages are green and full of mucous membrane call a physician immediately as delay may be fatal. Whites of two eggs mixed with a little water sipped frequently is often healing also to stomach and bowels.
Source: Civic League Cook Book
How to make Rice Water
To six ounces of rice add two quarts of water, and two ounces of Valentia raisins; boil these very gently for about half an hour, or rather more; strain off the water into a jug, add about two table-spoonfuls of brandy. Rice water, prepared as above, is recommended in cases of dysentery and diarrhoea.
Source: A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes, C.E. Francatelli
Blackberry Diarrhoea Syrup
To two quarts of blackberries, add one pound of loaf sugar, half an ounce of nutmegs, half an ounce of ground cinnamon, half an ounce of ground cloves, quarter an ounce ground alspice. Boil the whole together, and when cold add a pint of fourth proof brandy. From a tea-spoonful to a wine-glassful, according to the age of the patient, till relieved. In 1832 this was very successful in cases of the cholera.
Source: Valuable Receipts, J.M. Prescott
Make a strong tea of sweet gum bark ; to a pint, add a gill of good brandy, half an ounce of laudanum, a little loaf sugar to make it palatable. Take a teaspoonful every hour until the effect of the laudanum is apparent, then at longer intervals, until the disease abates.
A very good and simple remedy, if used when the first symptoms appear, is : Give an adult five drops of spirits of turpentine
in a teaspoonful of sweet milk. Repeat, if necessary. Give a child according to age.
Another remedy : A teacup half full of apple vinegar. Dissolve as much salt in it as it will hold, leaving a little at the bottom. Pour boiling water upon the solution until the cup is three-fourths full. Scald it, and remove the scum. Take a tablespoonful three times a day.
Source: Mrs Hill’s New Cook-Book
Filed under Remedy | Tags: apple vinegar, bark, bowel, bowels, brandy, diarrhea, diarrhoea, dysentery, hill, laudanum, loaf-sugar, milk, salt, spirits of turpentine, sweet gum, sweet gum bark, turpentine, vinegar | Comment (0)“The Sun’s” Cholera Mixture
More than forty years ago, when it was found that prevention for the Asiatic cholera was easier than cure, the learned doctors of both hemispheres drew up a prescription, which was published (for working people) in The New York Sun, and took the name of “The Sun Cholera Mixture.” It is found to be the best remedy for looseness of the bowels ever yet devised. It is to be commended for several reasons. It is not to be mixed with liquor, and therefore will not be used as an alcoholic beverage. Its ingredients are well known among all the common people, and it will have no prejudice to combat; each of the materials is in equal proportions to the others, and it may therefore be compounded without professional skill; and as the dose is so very small, it may be carried in a tiny phial in the waistcoat pocket, and be always at hand. It is:–
Take equal parts of tincture of cayenne, tincture of opium, tincture of rhubarb, essence of peppermint and spirits of camphor. Mix well. Dose fifteen to thirty drops in a wine-glass of water, according to age and violence of the attack. Repeat every fifteen or twenty minutes until relief is obtained. No one who takes it in time will ever have the cholera. Even when no cholera is anticipated, it is a valuable remedy for ordinary summer complaints, and should always be kept in readiness.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bowel, bowels, camphor, cayenne, cholera, diarrhea, diarrhoea, essence of peppermint, opium, peppermint, rhubarb, spirits of camphor, tincture of cayenne, tincture of opium, tincture of rhubarb, whitehouse | Comment (0)Diarrhoea
Take tincture of Jamaica ginger one ounce, tincture of rhubarb one ounce, tincture of opium half ounce, tincture of cardamom one and one-half ounces, tincture of kino one ounce. Mix. Dose for an adult, half to one teaspoonful, repeated every two to four hours; and for children one year old, five drops; two years old, five to ten drops; three years old, ten to twelve drops, and older children in proportion to age.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette