Milk of Roses
Take 2 ounces of blanched almonds; 12 ounces of rose-water; white soft-soap, or Windsor soap; white wax; and oil of almonds, of each 2 drachms; rectified spirit, 3 ounces; oil of bergamot, 1 drachm; oil of lavender, 15 drops; otto of roses, 8 drops. Beat the almonds well, and then add the rose-water gradually so as to form an emulsion, mix the soap, white wax, and oil together, by placing them in a covered jar upon the edge of the fire-place, then rub this mixture in a mortar with the emulsion. Strain the whole through very fine muslin, and add the essential oils, previously mixed with the spirit.
This is an excellent wash for “sunburns,” freckles, or for cooling the face and neck, or any part of the skin to which it is applied.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
Filed under Remedy | Tags: almonds, bergamot, face, freckles, hartley, lavender, milk of roses, muslin, neck, oil of almonds, oil of bergamot, otto of roses, rectified spirit, rose water, roses, skin, soap, soft soap, sunburn, white wax, windsor soap | Comment (0)Hay Fever, To Cure
This unpleasant complaint may be cured by aconite and white wine whey taken at bed-time. Boil half a pint of milk, add a little aconite and a glass of sherry, strain through muslin, and sweeten the whey with white sugar.
To twelve parts of absolute phenol, eight parts of carbonate of ammonia, twenty-two parts of strong solution of ammonia, half a part of oil of lavender, and one and a half parts of camphor, add a little sifted pine sawdust. Inhale five or six times a day, or when the sneezing comes on.
Relief has often been found by wearing tinted side spectacles to soften the light and lessen the glare of the sun.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: absolute phenol, aconite, ammonia, camphor, carbonate of ammonia, hay fever, lavender, milk, million, oil of lavender, phenol, pine, pine sawdust, sherry, solution of ammonia, sugar, sun, sunglasses, whey, white sugar, white wine, white wine whey, wine | Comment (0)An Embrocation for Rheumatism
Dissolve 1 oz. of gum camphor in 6 oz. of rectified spirits of wine; add by degrees, shaking the phial frequently, 2 oz. spirits of sal ammoniac and 2 drachms oil of lavender. This has been used with success.
Another: (known to mitigate the tic douloureux), is the caja peeta oil*, but it must be genuine. It is also good for strains, bruises, and chilblains.
Or: a mixture of 6 drachms French soap, 6 drachms ether, and 1 oz. spirits of wine.
[* Editor’s note: no, I have not the slightest idea what this is, and neither — it would seem — does anyone else online… the only occurrences of the phrase seem to be in the text of the book from which this came.]
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bruise, caja peeta oil, camphor, chilblain, cobbett, embrocation, ether, gum camphor, lavender, oil of lavender, rheumatism, sal-ammoniac, soap, spirits of wine, strain, wine | Comment (0)Bark Gargle
Boil 1 oz. powdered bark and 1 drachm myrrh, in 1 1/2 pint of water, over a slow fire, till one third is wasted; strain, then add a table-spoonful of honey, and a tea-spoonful of spirits of lavender.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Cologne Water
No. 1:
1 drachm oil lavender.
1 drachm oil bergamot.
2 drachm oil lemon.
2 drachm oil rosemary.
50 drops tincture of musk.
8 drops oil of cinnamon.
8 drops oil of cloves.
1 pint of alcohol.
No. 2:
60 drops oil of lavender.
60 drops oil of bergamot.
60 drops oil of lemon.
60 drops orange-flower water.
1 pint of alcohol.
Cork and shake well.
Source: Common Sense in the Household, Marion Harland
Filed under Remedy | Tags: alcohol, bergamot, cinnamon, cloves, cologne, commonsense, lavender, lemon, musk, oil, orange flower, rosemary, water | Comment (0)A Useful Lotion for the Hands
…which may be kept in the bathroom or upon the washstand, is made with equal parts of glycerine and rubra lotion (tincture of lavender and zinc). Mix the two together in a bottle and rub a few drops into the hands after washing, but before drying them upon the towel.
Another similar lotion is made by mixing equal quantities of glycerine, rosewater and hazeline.
Rub in a few drops after washing when the hands are partly dried.
Source: Household Management, E. Stoddard Eckford & M.S. Fitzgerald
Filed under Remedy | Tags: eckford, glycerin, glycerine, hand, hands, hazeline, lavender, lotion, rose water, rubra, towel, zinc | Comment (0)Gonorrhea
Balsam of Copabia one oz., Oil of Cubebs two drms., Laudanum one dram, Mucilage of Gum Arabic two ozs., Sweet Spirits Nitre half oz., Compound Spirits Lavender three drms., Camphor Water four ozs., White Sugar two drms., Oil of Partridge Berry five drops. Mix. Dose, a tablespoonful 3 or 4 times a day.
Source: One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed, C. A. Bogardus
Lavender Water
Oil of lavender two ounces, orris root half an ounce, spirits of wine one pint. Mix and keep two or three weeks. It may then be strained through two thicknesses of blotting-paper and is ready for use.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
To Keep Flies Out of a Room
Put a few drops of oil of lavender on a sponge placed in a saucer of hot water. This will give out a scent which flies dislike. If you do not wish to try it in the house, put the sponge on a table on the porch if the flies are troublesome there.
Source: 1001 Household Hints, Ottilie V. Ames
Cologne Water (Superior)
Oil of lavender two drachms, oil of rosemary one drachm and a half, orange, lemon and bergamot, one drachm each of the oil; also two drachms of the essence of musk, attar of rose ten drops, and a pint of proof spirit. Shake all together thoroughly three times a day for a week.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette