
February 25th, 2019

To a tumblerful of lukewarm water add either (a) a tablespoonful of salt; or (b) a dessertspoonful of ipecacuanha wine; or (c) a dessertspoonful of mustard. Tickling the back of the throat with the fingers or a feather also has an emetic effect.

Source: The Complete Household Adviser

To restore Wine that has turned sour or sharp

January 16th, 2019

Fill a bag with leek-seed, or of leaves or twisters of vine, and put either of them to infuse in the cask.

Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie

Toffee for Coughs

January 2nd, 2019

1/2 lb Demerara sugar
1 oz butter
2 oz treacle
1 teaspoonful ipecacuanha wine

Boil the butter, sugar and treacle together for 20 minutes and add the wine.

Pour out into a greased tin and when cold break into pieces and keep in a tin for use.

Give a small piece to be sucked slowly, from time to time when the cough is troublesome, but never allow a child to go to bed with a piece in its mouth for fear of choking.

Source: Household Management, E. Stoddard Eckford & M.S. Fitzgerald

To correct a bad Taste and sourness in Wine

December 27th, 2018

Put in a bag the root of wild horse-radish cut in bits. Let it down in the wine, and leave it there two days; take this out, and put another, repeating the same till the wine is perfectly restored. Or fill a bag with wheat; it will have the same effect.

Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie

Cough Compound

December 23rd, 2018

For the cure of coughs, colds, asthma, whooping cough and all diseases of the lungs; One spoonful of common tar, three spoonfuls of honey, the yolk of three hen’s eggs, and half a pint of wine; beat the tar, eggs and honey well together with a knife, and bottle for use. A teaspoonful every morning, noon and night, before eating.

Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie

Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers for Coughs, Colds, Etc

November 29th, 2018

Take white sugar, seven pounds; tincture of syrup of ipecac, four ounces: antimonial wine, two ounces; morphine, ten grains; dissolved in a tablespoonful of water, with ten or fifteen drops sulphuric acid; tincture of bloodroot, one ounce; syrup of tolu, two ounces; add these to the sugar, and mix the whole mass as confectioners do for lozenges, and cut into lozenges the ordinary size. Use from six to twelve of these in twenty-four hours. They sell at a great profit.

Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie

To Remove Stains of Wine or Fruit From Table Linen

October 26th, 2018

Stains of claret wine can be removed by rubbing them while wet with common salt. Turn the contents of the salt cellar directly over the stain, and rub in the salt with the finger, until the redness disappears entirely.

A sure way of extracting fruit stains from table linen, is to tie up some cream of tartar in the stained part, so as to form a little bag, then put the linen into cold soap-suds, and let it boil awhile. Then wash and rinse well, dry and iron, and no stains will appear.

Another method is to mix in equal quantities, soft soap, slacked lime, and saleratus, and rub the stain with the preparation, and lay the linen in the sun, with the mixture plastered on. When it has lain two or three hours, rub it off ; if the stain still appears, apply some more of the mixture. When it cannot be seen, wash out the linen at once, as it will decay the fabric.

Source: Household Hints and Recipes, Henry T. Williams

Tea and Coffee Stains

August 3rd, 2018

Only a few people know that butter will remove tea, coffee or fruit stains. It should be rubbed on the linen or cotton and then the material should be soaked in hot water and a mild soap. In fact, any stains, except ink or wine stains, sprinkle salt over the spots and pour boiling water through it until the spot has gone.

Source: 1001 Household Hints, Ottilie V. Ames

For the Giddiness in the Head

February 27th, 2018

Take an ounce of comming Seed and Steep it in white wine all night as much wine as will cover it and then you must dry it in an oven after the bread is drawn and dry with it an ounce of Juniper berrys & a handfull of rue then you must beat all these together to a fine powder and when you use it take as much of the powder as will lay on a Sixpence in a Spoonfull of honey well mixed together or in a Spoonfull of Sugar and take it dry.

Source: A Book of Simples, H.W. Lewer

Common Cologne

October 18th, 2017

(To Use as a Toilet Water.)

Oil of bergamot, lavender and lemon each one drachm ; oil of rose and jasmine each ten drops ; essence of ambergris ten drops, spirits of wine one pint. Mix and keep well closed in a cool place for two months, when it will be fit for use.”

Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook

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    NOTE: these remedies are listed only for information and/or amusement. They are not to be construed as medical advice of any type, nor are they recommended for use. Consult your doctor or other medical professional for any medical advice you require.