To Strengthen A Weak Voice
To eight ounces of water add one dram of tincture of cayenne. Gargle the throat frequently, especially before speaking or singing.
The following is also good: — Beeswax, two drams; copaiba balsam, three drams; powdered liquorice root, four drams. Melt the balsam with the wax in an earthen pipkin, remove it from the fire and mix in the powder. Make pills of three grains each. Two of the pills to be taken occasionally, three or four times a day.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: ballsam, beeswax, cayenne, copaiba balsam, licorice, liquorice, liquorice root, million, pipkin, tincture of cayenne, voice | Comment (0)Lozenges for Offensive Breath
Gum kino, half an ounce; catechu, one ounce; white sugar, three ounces; orris powder, three-quarters of an ounce. Make into a paste with mucilage, and add a drop of neroli.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Influenza, To Remove
Place the feet in hot water, with a blanket spread over the knees, for twenty minutes, then, without stopping to dry them, dab off the majority of the water; place the feet in a warm blanket at the moment of getting into bed, and drink a glassful of hot lemonade.
Or, mix a quarter of a pound of ginger, an ounce and a half of cayenne pepper, and a quarter of an ounce of cloves. Dissolve a teaspoonful in a cupful of water, sweeten to taste, and take at bed-time.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: blanket, cayenne pepper, cloves, feet, flu, ginger, influenza, lemonade, million | Comment (0)Wasps and Bees, Stings From
Mix together a little spirits of hartshorn with double its quantity of olive oil, and apply to the part affected.
Another very simple remedy, which is asserted to be unfailing, is to rub with an onion the part of the flesh which is stung.
The application of either oil of tartar or a solution of potash will give instant ease.
Perhaps the most convenient thing will be to mix a little oil with common soda. This will allay both the pain and the irritation.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bee, bees, bite, common soda, harrtshorn, irritation, million, oil of tartar, olive oil, onion, pain, potash, skin, soda, spirits of hartshorn, sting, wasp, wasps | Comment (0)Gnat Stings
Wherever gnats abound the following compound should always be kept at hand, as it is useful, not only as a cure, but also as the best preventive against the attack of these insects. Take two ounces of spermaceti, half an ounce of white wax, one ounce of camphor, and two ounces of olive oil. Melt the whole together, stirring frequently the while. Pour into small pots for use.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Gargles For Inflamed Throat
Take one dram of sulphuric ether and add to it half an ounce of syrup of marsh-mallows and a teacupful of barley water. Gargle the throat frequently with the mixture until the inflammation dies away.
Or, mix together two drams of purified nitre, seven drams of acetate of honey, and eight ounces of barley-water. Use frequently.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: acetate of honey, barley, barley water, ether, gargle, honey, inflamed throat, marshmallow, million, nitre, purified nitre, sore throat, sulphuric ether, throat | Comment (0)Bran Tea
Put a handful of bran in a pint and a half of cold water, boil it for an hour and three-quarters, then strain, and flavour with sugar and lemon juice. This is a very cheap and useful drink in colds, fevers, and restlessness from pain.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Nervous Irritability, To Remove
Mix with two ounces of compound tincture of bark, one ounce and a half of camphorated tincture of valerian, and half an ounce of compound tincture of aloes.
Dose : Two teaspoonfuls twice a day.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: aloes, bark, irritability, million, nerves, nervous, tincture of aloes, tincture of bark, tincture of valerian, valerian | Comment (0)Perspiration, To Remedy Profuse
Take nutritious and a rather generous diet, with a tonic of citrate of iron and quinine. Locally the skin should be washed with juniper tar soap and sponged from time to time with a lotion containing one part liquid ammonia and three parts water.
A foreign physician has found the following a cure in many cases : — Take of powdered sage leaves a large teaspoonful, boil them gently for five minutes in six ounces of water, strain, sweeten to taste, and take a third part three times daily.
The following is also recommended : — To a wineglassful of water add two drams of compound spirits of camphor and forty drops of diluted sulphuric acid. Dose: One tablespoonful twice a day.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: ammonia, camhor, citrate of iron, excessive sweating, iron, juniper, juniper tar soap, million, perspiration, profuse, quinine, sage, spirits of camphor, sulphuric acid, sweat, sweating | Comment (0)Itch, Remedy For
Flowers of brimstone, two ounces; carbonate of potash, two drams; lard, four ounces. Mix, and add two or three drops of essence of lemon. Should the brimstone be considered unpleasant, use in its stead two ounces of white hellebore powder. To be rubbed into the body.
Source: Recipes for the Million